Who are weam I?
My name is Harold Ousset. Well sorry the add-on is not developed by a huge team or so, it's mainly achieved by me (now you understand the poor design).
The idea beneath this add-on is to simplify the life of a Google Workspace Admin. I've been doing this job for quite long time now and in my day to day work I always needs to do some batch operation, as I'm quite confident with Google Apps script, each time I develop an adhoc script for my need (even if it does not respect the XKCD automate time panel). But at some point I have lots of recurring patterns and similar script where I only change a few lines of code for them to work on a different situation. If this is easy for me to change, well it may not be for my other co-workers who are not so enthusiast to put their hand on scripts. So I started to build more agnostic tools that can be reused whatever the situation and at some point "voila"! So this is how the add-on has been built.
So Far this add-on is a one man job but if there are people who are not afraid to scream and cry reading my code or bored to death due to my poor reactivity, I'll be more than happy to let them join me in this crazy adventure.
About me:
I'm a Google Apps Script enthusiast even if I admit that there are some strong limitations with the product. I manage the Google platform for a large company. I'm not so much into social medias. I have the bare minimum (linkedin) I'm not on X, Facebook or other stuff like that, you can mainly get in contact with me by knowing a guy who know a guy who know me.